Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What kind of manuscript theme that I can submit to CR Journal?
There are no restriction topics to be published to CR Journal, as long as it still relevance for the science and development for West Java Province, it could be submitted.
2. What format and requirements for participants to submit their manuscript?
You can found the format and requirements for manuscript writing for CR Journal at Template. Kindly notes that manuscript file that would be submitted should be submitted should be in document formats: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or PDF. Also, the file size should be no more than 4 Mb.
3. What proportion of manuscript that should be submitted?
The proportion of your manuscript that would be submitted to CR Journal better to following this proportion:
1. Introduction (15-20%) or 1.5 to 2 pages from total manuscript pages
2. Methods (5-10%) or 0.5 to 1 page from total manuscript pages
3. Description and result (60-70%) or 6 to 7 pages from total manuscript pages
4. Closing (5-10%) or 0.5 to 1 page from total manuscript pages
4. How to Submit my manuscript to the CR Journal?
To submit your manuscript to CR Journal, you have to create an account at CR Journal Website at Register. After that,  Login  into your account and choose menu to submit manuscript. Kindly notes that plagiarism tolerance level that accepted have to less than 20%.
5. How long does it takes for my manuscript to be published after it submitted?
It's depend on what month your manuscript submitted and accepted. It would published to the closer published time whether June or December.
6. How to know the progress and updates of my submitted manuscript?
You can see status of your submitted manuscript on your CR Journal account. Additionally, you will received updates through your registered email at CR Journal website.
7. When will I get notification that my manuscript accepted, revised, or rejected to be published?
You wil get further notification regarding your submitted manuscript one week later at the earliest.
8. How to revised my manuscript to replace existing?
You can click link on your revised notification then reupload your new manuscript. Alternatively, you can reupload you revised manuscript on the existing submission manuscript reupload your revised manuscript no longer than three weeks after your get notification.
9. When will the Journal published?
There are only two times for each year on June and December for journal which contains several accepted manuscript would be published at CR Journal.
10. Is there any charge for submission, publication, or accessing published articles at CR Journal?
There are no any charges to submission, publishing and accessing articles at CR Journal. However, to published article, kindly register your account at CR Journal website and submitted it with any topics and themes that correlate with West Java Province Development.
11. Who I should contacted once have any issue during submitted my manuscript to CR Journal?
You can contact our administrator team via contact center menu or by email.
12. Is there any benefits for manuscript authors once it accepted to be published?
For each successful manuscript that published at CR Journal, the author would get interesting insentive from our team.*
*T&C Applied