Vol. 4 No. 01 (2018): Creative Research Journal

					View Vol. 4 No. 01 (2018): Creative Research Journal

CR Journal Vol. 04 No. 01 June 2018 consists of 5 articles covering several sectors with the titles: 1) The Use of Seeds and Farmers' Preferences for Superior Rice Varieties Characteristics in Three Rice Production Centers in West Java, 2) Evaluation of the Road Service Booth Provision Plan in the Kamojang Tourism Area, Bandung Regency, 3) Differences in Aggressive Behavior of Adolescents in Slum Settlements in Bandung City, 4) Increasing the Economic Value of PE Goat Farming through the Application of Sexing Technology, 5) The Effect of Intermittent Irrigation Systems and Legowo Planting Distances on Rice Productivity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG).

On this good occasion, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the parties involved in the publication of the BP2D Journal of West Java Province, including PDII LIPI, Mitra Bestari, and others who cannot be mentioned one by one who have greatly assisted in the publication of CR Journal Vol. 04 No. 01 June 2018.

In the first article, the research results show that rice farming is dominated by farmers with elementary school education, aged 40-50 years (North Java), 40-60 years (Central Java), and 50-60 years (South Java). Rice farmers in North Java tend to be more efficient in the quantity of seed use compared to Central and South Java with seed purchase intensity of 2 times a year (North and Central Java) and 1 time a year (South Java). Farmers' preferences for rice varieties tend to favor those with long grain characteristics, good rice quality, clean white rice color, and delicious rice taste (for consumption) and/or semi-dry (for industry) in North Java, while in Central and South Java, farmers tend to prefer varieties with almost the same characteristics, namely slightly round to slender grain shape, good rice quality, delicious rice taste, tolerant to pests and diseases (OPT), and high selling price. Then, in the second article, the analysis results conclude that the selection of location and the plan for developing rest areas have met the criteria set in the guidelines. Next, in the third article, this study recommends the importance of understanding the characteristics of residents occupying settlements before the arrangement and improvement of the settlement environment. This understanding is an important step for the implementation of subsequent social programs/interventions.

In the fourth article, the results show that the farming system with sexing technology yields much higher income for farmers compared to traditional farming. However, to succeed, efforts must be made to change farmers' habits to be willing and able to implement farming with sexing technology. In the fifth article, the research results indicate that there is no interaction between intermittent irrigation and legowo planting distance of 2:1 on methane gas emissions. The alternate irrigation system with 5 days of flooding and 3 days of drying (5:3) could reduce methane gas emissions and increase rice productivity by 17.2%, from 5.88 to 6.89 t/ha. The legowo 2:1 planting spacing that could reduce methane gas emissions was 25 x 15 x 40 cm, while the one that could increase rice productivity was 25 x 12.5 x 40 cm, resulting in a 13.6% increase from 6.04 to 6.86 t/ha of milled dry paddy (GKG).

Published: 2018-06-30
