Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Creative Research Journal

					View Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Creative Research Journal

CR Journal Vol. 08 No. 01 June 2022 consists of 5 (five) articles covering several sectors with the titles: 1) West Java International Airport and Local Government Support as a Driver of Increasing Airport-Based Regional Development, 2) Instilling Character Education Through the Multiple Intelligences Approach to Elementary School Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, 3) Divorce in West Java during the Pandemic: Literature Study, 4) Types of Greeting Languages ​​at the As-Salafiat 1 Babakan Islamic Boarding School for Girls, Ciwaringin, Cirebon, and 5) Poverty and Unemployment Alleviation Strategies Through Social Entrepreneurship Empowerment: Case in West Java.

In the first article, the results of study showed that the 37 variables obtained through a literature review selected variables such as integration, land use, business areas and 7 other variables which according to the provincial and district governments were the first priority. Then, in the second article, the results of the study showed that the characters can be instilled in students during learning carried out at home are religious character, disciplined character, creative character, independent character, responsible character, and curiosity character. The process of developing these character values ​​is the result of cooperation between educators and parents in guiding students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidance that was carried out can be applied through a multiple of intelligence approaches. Therefore, the implications of this study expected by teachers are to be able to instill character values ​​during learning in time of pandemic.

In the third article, the results of the study showed that in general factors causing divorce in West Java are not caused by one factor, but numerous factors like economic problems, disharmony, domestic violence, and age in establishing a marriage relationship. In response to the increase in divorce during the COVID-19 pandemic, the West Java government is trying to suppress it by optimizing existing programs. Next, in the fourth article, the research results advising that there are several types of greetings in the Islamic boarding school environment, including: Kyai, Nyai, Acung, Gus, Ning, Abah, Mbah, Kang, Yayu, Teteh, Sampean and Jenengan, which has meaning and contains character formation. The fifth article indicates that internet infrastructure has a positive and significant impact on economic growth in West Java, both before and during the pandemic. Every 1% increase in districts/cities with internet infrastructure in West Java increases economic growth by 0.359794% during the pandemic, which is greater than the 0.093785% increase before the pandemic.

Published: 2022-06-30
