Vol. 10 No. 02 (2024): Creative Research Journal

					View Vol. 10 No. 02 (2024): Creative Research Journal

CR Journal Vol. 10 No. 02 December 2024 features five articles covering various sectors with the following titles: 1) Addressing The Necessity and Contribution of Urban Green Space In Metropolitan Cities, 2) Analysing The Effect of Climate Variability on Dengue Fever Incidence Using A Regression Model Approach: A Case Study of Bandung City, 3) The Potential of Beneng Taro (Xanthosoma Undipes) for Increasing Community Forest Productivity in Ciamis, West Java, 4) West Java Fiscal Policy Reform for Equitable and Sustainable Development, and 5) Assessing The Role of Inequality and Human Development Indices in Regional Economic Growth: West Java.

In the first article, the result of this study shows that the population have a positive correlation but no significant impact on the total area of UGS. The total area of residential has a positive and significant impact on UGS, while the growth of the real estate sector has a negative impact and is not significant on the total area of UGS in Bekasi City. Then, the second article explains climatic variability simultaneously impacting the incidence of dengue fever in Bandung. This is demonstrated by a coefficient of determination (R²) value of 0.737, indicating that 73% of the variability in DHF incidence is influenced by climatic factors. The confirmed impact of climatic variability on DHF incidence in Bandung can be utilized to develop an early warning system aimed at preventing and reducing the number of cases through more accurate preventive measures before an increase in case numbers occurs.

In the third article, this study showed that beneng taro has the potential to be developed in community forest land because it is shade-tolerant, easy to cultivate, has a high production of tubers and leaves, and has export opportunities. The total area of land that has the potential for developing taro beneng in Ciamis Regency reaches 35,260.05 ha, consisting of categories from moderately suitable to highly suitable, spread across 26 sub-districts. Next, the fourth article findings regarding the potential of the Ecology-Based Provincial Budget Transfers (TAPE) to stimulate sustainable economic equity. This research provides comprehensive policy recommendations to address environmental problems and inter-regional fiscal capacity disparities in West Java. In detail, it promotes ecological performance indicators for formulating provincial financial aid allocations for regency/municipal governments and village governments. In the fifth article, the research findings might be related to increased investments by wealthier individuals and increased labor productivity due to a healthier workforce. Conversely, the education and income index were found to be non-significant, possibly due to qualitative disparities in education and mismatches with labor market needs, and also due to the limitations of expenditure-based measures in regions with substantial informal economic activities that are not fully captured in official data. These findings can guide targeted interventions to balance growth and equity in West Java.

Happy reading CR Journal Vol. 10 No. 02 December 2024, and may it be beneficial.

Published: 2024-12-13
